Genuine Hutch
If you need to make sure the part you’re buying is going to be exactly what you need, that it has been engineered to do the job, and that you’ll be satisfied with your choice – then look for the Genuine Hutch Mark.
Look to the Hutch Dealer
Genuine Hutch heavy-duty parts and components are built to exact OEM specifications and tolerances. Prompt service, thorough parts knowledge, and comprehensive customer support is what you’ll receive from your Hutch Dealer or Distributor.

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The Benefits of Genuine Hutch vs. Will-Fit Parts
- Product durability, lifecycle and performance: Hutchens stands behind its products.
- Parts availability: through our distribution network, we will get the right part to you when and where you need it.
- Parts traceability: with “roadability” regulations and VMRS codes to follow, you’ll know that Hutch parts are right for the job.
- Warranty: maintain your suspension warranty by using Genuine Hutch Parts!
- Fleet productivity: keep your trailers on the road and out of the shop.
Avoid Unexpected Costs With Genuine Hutch Parts
- Skip repetitive maintenance due to defects and/or failure.
- Less trailer downtime – that’s time and money just sitting idle.
- Avoid delayed shipments leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.
- Avert potential bad effects on other OE parts within the suspension system.
- Avoid catastrophic failures that could result in an accident. With a “will-fit” part, who is liable?
- Your reputation is the one on the line!
Upfront Prices of Knockoffs May Appear to be Less
The true cost of a knockoff or will-fit part increases further down the road. Premature replacement of a “will-fit” part negates any upfront savings. As repair shop labor rates increase, upfront savings can disappear after one job. Take time to analyze the “value” you are really getting. What is your true cost of servicing a fleet of vehicles with knockoff parts?
Look for the Hutch Mark. The sign of genuine parts made by Hutchens Industries.
If you would like more information on how to keep your investment on the road and not sitting idle because of a knockoff part, fill out the form and we will get back to you.